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Indemnity Agreement-Affidavit Of Lost Warehouse Receipt


Agreement made [Date of agreement] between [Name of Claimant], of [Address of Claimant], [City of Claimant], [State of Claimant], referred to in this agreement as claimant, and [Name of Warehouseman], of [Address of Warehouseman], [City of Warehouseman], [State of Warehouseman], referred to in this agreement as warehouseman.


1. On [Date of storage], claimant stored with [Name of Warehouseman], at [Address of Warehouse], [City of Warehouse], [State of Warehouse], certain goods consisting of [Description of goods].

2. Warehouseman issued to claimant its original warehouse receipt no. [Warehouse receipt number] on delivery of such goods by claimant.

3. Claimant has lost or mislaid such warehouse receipt, and the same has not been negotiated by claimant nor has it passed from [his or her] possession knowingly.

In consideration of delivery to claimant of the above described goods by warehouseman, without claimants surrender of the above-mentioned warehouse receipt, claimant does hereby indemnify warehouseman against all loss, damages, charges, or other expenses reasonably incurred by warehouseman by reason of claimants failure to return such warehouse receipt on surrender by warehouseman of such goods.

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement at [Designated place of execution], on [Execution date].

Name of claimant


[signature of authorized agent]